Britney Roark, LMFTA

Headshot of therapist, Britney Roark

I’m human, just like you, and I know what it feels like to struggle. I know what it’s like to experience anxiety in relationships and to feel lost about how to fix what feels completely hopeless and broken. My personal lived experience combined with my training and expertise as a therapist place me in a unique position to provide empathic support and guidance for others who are finding their way through difficult circumstances. Including you! I have hope for you.

Background and Training

I graduated with a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy from Seattle Pacific University in 2023 and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Brigham Young University in 2007. I currently hold a Marriage and Family Therapy Associate license with the Washington State Department of Health. .

My studies as a graduate student emphasized Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). This model builds on attachment theory and is an experiential approach to changing emotional patterns within families and individuals. I love EFT, and I have continued on to further my training in Emotionally Focused Family Therapy, Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy, and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy. Altogether, I have completed over 65 hours of training in EFT. I believe in the principles on which this model was built and its power to rebuild trust in relationships that seem destined for failure. I believe it can change individuals in ways that few other therapy models can because it uses the transformational power of secure attachment and emotional experiencing.

During and after grad school, I served as a child and family clinician in a large non-profit community mental health agency in northwest Washington. In this position, I gained experience treating a variety of individuals and families with diverse backgrounds and an array of presenting challenges.

I am an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I enjoy working with LDS clients as well as those of other faiths. I practice therapy from a position of openness, respect, curiosity, and accountability. I’m intentional about letting go of my own biases and being with my clients in their unique experiences. I work with people of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, spiritual practices, religions, family structures, and political beliefs. I also aim to practice with humility and integrity. If I ever feel that I have any limitations that prevent me from serving you well or if you feel you would be best supported by someone else, I will carefully and thoughtfully assist you in finding other options.

I have four amazing kids ranging from 8 to 15 years old and a 3-year-old mini goldendoodle named Oreo. In my free time, I love photography, singing, and playing the piano.

Mom and four children standing ankle deep in lake