back view of woman crossing bridge

Counseling for Women

Do you feel overwhelmed?

As women, we carry so much of the emotional weight of our families. We’re smart and capable, but because we have to manage endless responsibilities, we often struggle to do everything as well as we would like and as perfectly as the world tells us we should. Even though we’re working extremely hard, we may feel like we’re failing. Not being able to keep up with the demands of life can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, shame, grief, or burnout. It may cause resentment in our relationships because we’ve given so much of ourselves and feel like we’re still disappointing those we love. Sometimes those we love don’t even recognize or appreciate our efforts, and that hurts. Additionally, we may also be carrying the pain of past traumas.

You don’t have to keep suffering. There’s a way to feel successful and happy again, and therapy can help. As your therapist, I will work with you to make sense of the areas of your life that feel overwhelming or painful. I use an attuned and empathic approach as I provide a safe haven and secure base to help you explore your present emotions. I want to help you improve the way you feel about yourself and your relationships.

As a marriage and family therapist, I work with clients from a relational perspective even when I’m working with an individual. The attachments we form throughout our lives are important and inform our emotional world. When we feel stuck in negative patterns, there is often a relational aspect to it. Even when symptoms may not seem to be tied to any relationship, they always involve how one relates to the self, and our views of self are developed in relation to others, particularly those closest to us.

Session Fee: $135 for 50 minutes

Three women laughing together
Mom and two young sons sitting in a grassy area
woman smiling at dog at the end of a bed
black mom and daughter sitting at piano
Mom smiling at two young kids while cooking together
Emotions don’t cause trouble by themselves; they arise to help you deal with the trouble. Your emotions bring you the energy and information you need to address whatever is going on inside you or in your world.
— Karla McLaren

Based in Bothell, Washington, Sparrow Counseling is an in-person and online therapy practice dedicated to helping women find hope.

Through individual counseling, you will be guided toward the following outcomes:

  • Turn negative thoughts about yourself into confidence. You'll start valuing yourself as much as you value everyone else around you.

  • Gain a better understanding of what causes problems in your relationships. You'll become more aware of your own emotional needs and fears, as well as those of others. This awareness will help you find better solutions.

  • Uncover your buried emotional pain. It might feel scary to bring it to the surface, but with a greater sense of safety, you'll be able to confront the heartaches you've been carrying deep inside.

  • Feel safer in the world. With a more confident sense of self and a better understanding of your needs and fears, you'll feel less anxious and more certain in every interaction. You'll feel safe enough to engage with others without feeling guarded or over-involved.

  • Gain more clarity about what's really happening between you and others. You'll learn how to connect with those you love in a way that is both honest and kind.

  • Let’s walk together toward brighter days. You deserve it. You invest so much time and energy in caring for others, often at the expense of your own emotional wellness. Now it's time to focus on your needs.