Therapy Thoughts

Is your anger revealing a boundary problem?
Britney Roark Britney Roark

Is your anger revealing a boundary problem?

You’ve probably felt that feeling—the heat of resentment simmering inside of you because of something someone else did. You smile and nod and tell them you’re fine, but internally, you’re endlessly rehearsing a mile-long list of complaints. You don’t want to upset them and make a bigger deal out of things, so you continue to put on a happy face.

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Everything you do to cope makes sense.
Britney Roark Britney Roark

Everything you do to cope makes sense.

Sometimes we go into therapy feeling a lot of shame. We’ve developed unhealthy ways of coping, and we’re not happy with ourselves. It can be so hard to sit in front of a new therapist, someone you don’t know, and open up to them about the things you’re not proud of.

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